Imagination in a 2 year old: Dr. Lily

Imagination in a 2 year old: Dr. Lily

We were down to visit over Labor Day — with a new baby in the house, it seems appropriate to bring big sister a gift or 2. The “doctor kit” was a big hit… Ok, let’s get started Yes! Very good sounds! I’m hearing good things here!...
Spring Flowers

Spring Flowers

A couple of years ago, John’s aunt Louise sent some columbine seeds from the flowers in her Maine garden home to Alabama. I gave them to our neighbor, Larry — and look what he did! Both Louise and Larry are working on Master Gardener standing. [nggallery...
Christmas 2007

Christmas 2007

I have to say that this was a most wonderful and delightful Christmas. Everyone (all three of my children plus a son-in-law and daughter-in-law and my granddaughter!) came for Christmas. What fun to have a one year old to inspect the tree, harvest candy canes and...

War Eagle! 6 in a row!

The Iron Bowl took place tonight in Auburn. Final score: Auburn 17 – Alabama 10. Toomer’s Corner is probably already knee deep in TP. This is a record — Auburn has never beaten Bama 6 years in a row before… And the rain held off so when Kevin...

Schnauzers in knit hats

I found this picture over at Mary C’s Blog So very cute. Makes me laugh and remember our schnauzers in their Santa hats.