Pictures Articles

Camera time and old friends

Back in early late May/early June a friend from high school (ok, so we've probably known each other since elementary school dance classes) came for a few days to visit. We entertained ourselves one morning by wandering around with our cameras -- love this waterfall!...

testing embeds

I'd like this to be the full width of the post... alas that seems to be a problem if I use the Slideshare block. Seems ok if I use Slideshare shortcode to embed. Life of St....

Mailchimp rides again

I use Mailchimp on some other sites to get out updates from the blog function. Seems to work ok generating an email from an RSS feed. But, there are problems: the standard WordPress RSS doesn't send the featured images in the RSS feed. I like my images to show up in...

how to do post formats

I once studied to be an oceanographer… but alas I didn’t wind up working in that field. That doesn’t mean that the ocean is less fascinating to me. I just work with it differently.

On to Philly and Longwood Gardens

On to Philly and Longwood Gardens

After saying farewell to Marty, and Bruce and Gene (not pictured anywhere) and departing Emmitsburg we proceeded on to Philadelphia (Germantown). Why I took no pictures in Germantown, I have no idea. But, we ventured south to visit Longwood Gardens.

Cousin Camp 2015

Cousin Camp 2015

All PostsCousin Camp in Winter Park, Summer 2015I would have loved to have been able to be there and enjoy seeing them all together. I hope they continue to enjoy each other's company as they grow up.

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After the Ball

After the Ball

I wonder what she's thinking... Not many good shots from this year's dance recital. The lighting is difficult, to say the least. But, I do like this one.

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Thanksgiving in Birmingham

Thanksgiving in Birmingham

The clan convened at Marie's house for Thanksgiving this year. The Day included 4 generations (from my mother down to my grandchildren, and a couple of grand-dogs). The day after, while David went hunting with Kevin, we took the girls to the park. The sky was gray,...

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Scrapbook updates

Scrapbook updates

I spent some time over the weekend building some new scrapbook pages... and then I found some older ones that I had forgotten about. It fascinates me as I look through the images and see how much they have grown, and how much I have yet to document so that we can...

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