My Life
How I see the world, who I love and more
Family Reunion
The next day was the Official Reunion.... More pictures are coming, but these are the few that Louise (the real power behind the reunion) sent out almost immediately.

Greetings from Paris
This week I'm back working in Paris again. I'll post pictures later. Update: I'm finally getting around to posting the pictures from Paris. These are just the one's from the day John Freund and I had lunch with Giovanna. She's doing well - I'd like to have her come...
Undeliverable Gifts: Christmas 2003
Tomorrow's the night before Christmas three dogs in my house two cats are in hiding I hope there's no mouse... That's the easy part of Christmas. My food box/Christmas gifts delivery for Lazarus Ministries hasn't turned out to be as simple as hoped. I've made 2 trips...
Falsely Accused?
Earlier this week, I had the unforntunate experience of a visit from the local Animal Cruelty Investigator. In the aftermath, I cried - sobbed, harder than I have in since we lost our schnauzer last year. Before that - God alone knows when I've cried my eyes out like...
How’s that diet going, anyway?
So - does anybody read this stuff anyway? I'm still sticking pretty close to the Atkins eating and I'm down 30 lbs since I started. I still feel really much better than I did before I started on this way of life and I've noticed that I no longer seem to have the...