My Life
How I see the world, who I love and more
Hope for the Church?
Today John Freund sent me a link that was a bright spot: Reading thru the site - especially the "Your Pulpit" section gave me a strong sense that the Holy Spirit is indeed renewing the face of the earth. I was very moved by the woman's homily based...
Recent Travels
Our last journey involved travel from rain-soaked Alabama up to the beach in southern Maine by way of NYC and Rhode Island.... T'was a grand time -with Daniel (18) and Marie (22) travelling with us in the car, and David (24) meeting us in Maine. Two weeks of family -...
Louise’s Gardens
Just before we started home from Maine, we stayed with JP's aunt Louise. Louise has beautiful gardens - BEAUTIFUL! This is a view of Louise's Front Gardens July, 2003

Old Orchard Beach – Maine
We're about to head home after a couple of weeks in New England and New York. After too many years, we had all 7 Nicol cousins in the same place at the same time From left to right: Daniel (18), Tom (16), Marie (22), David (24),Rob (14), Chris (19) and Mike (17). What...
Am I becoming a evangelist?
I sometimes find myself wondering if I peering over the edge of becoming a diet evangelist. Heaven forbid! But, just as exploring the wonders of God's love can turn one into a true evangelist, this low-carb eating and the results with respect to how I feel, how my...