My Life Articles

Sometimes life is funny, sometimes it’s sad. Sometimes I want to share it and when I do, this is where I post.

OLLI: Writing our lives

The is the 3rd or 4th time round that I have taken part in the "Writing Our Lives" class offer through our local OLLI@Auburn organization (Osher Lifelong Learners Institute at Auburn). I'm just a beginner! The class is filled with people who have been there for many...

Thanksgiving in Birmingham

The clan convened at Marie's house for Thanksgiving this year. The Day included 4 generations (from my mother down to my grandchildren, and a couple of grand-dogs). The day after, while David went hunting with Kevin, we took the girls to the park. The sky was gray,...

Scrapbook updates

I spent some time over the weekend building some new scrapbook pages... and then I found some older ones that I had forgotten about. It fascinates me as I look through the images and see how much they have grown, and how much I have yet to document so that we can...

Martha: Missed Career as a Radio Actress

A couple of weeks back, our local OLLI (Osher Lifelong Learner Institute) held the annual end of the year "Picnic" and General Meeting. A lovely Picnic, held indoors with AC and no ants or other wildlife. The menu included bar-b-que, potato salad and desserts. But,...

It must be time to post something new

I notice that most of my recent posting are pictures - pictures of Lily mostly. Amazingly, I'm really tickled to be a grandmother. Who'd a thunk it? But, there's been so much going on of late, that I don't take the time to write much down. Today a tornado ripped...

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A Saturday afternoon

A Saturday afternoon

Saturday afternoon: spent with David, Michelle and Lily. Got to try out the Wii, play with the baby girl and try Bison Short Ribs at Ted's Montana Grille. Oh, and see Kevin and Marie when they came by to get the top of the wedding cake to celebrate their first...

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BragBook pages

BragBook pages

The bug really bit me on these little bragbook size scrapbook pages -- The book fits in my purse so I can show off to anyone who will look. So, I'm adding more pages in hope that I'll have enough for creating Christmas gifts. Nicol Family

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Small Scrapbook pages

Small Scrapbook pages

I'm trying to put this year in perspective - it's not over, but it's been quite eventful: 2 weddings, a funeral, sick in bed for a week, a new PhD in the family and my first grandchild... just to name a few things. So - I'm trying to summarize in graphic art (inspired...

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