My Life
How I see the world, who I love and more
Puppies – almost 2 weeks
All 7 pups seem to be doing just grand - like little, plump sausages that sometimes wiggle and squeal. Mama Grace is still doing the Mama thing so well, while coming back around to the lovely dog who runs to the door to greet me at lunch and at night. By the weekend,...
Puppies are born pretty helpless: their eyes won't open for 2 weeks, their ears won't open for 4. But, they can smell Mama and they know how to eat. I tried to take pictures, but they are so tiny and black (and Mama Grace is black as well) - so that will have to wait....
New Year’s Resolutions – Maybe
OK - so, my resolution wrt this site is to post more often! Like once a day add something that has crossed my mind. Assignment: Find 5 things to be grateful for.... Response: A beautiful anniversary card from John The pleasure of a small, very pregnant dog when I do...
Schnauzers and Howling Wolves
NOVA Online | Wild Wolves | What's in a Howl Listen up! and let the dog(s) listen with you. Interesting: Grace and Charlie respond to the Lonesome Howl and the Wolf Pup howl by chiming in and singing along. However, play the Agressive Male (warning off others), and...

Sometimes I’m Oscar the Grouch on Mondays
You name it, I hate it... I found a sheet of stickers in my scrapbooking box, and it struck me that I needed to talk about my life last Monday. Basically my attitude toward like was "Don't EVEN TRY to make me happy - It won't work and then we'll both be in a bad...