My Life
How I see the world, who I love and more

Avery and Friends: January 17, 2014
Avery and friends Avery Harper joined the family on January 16, 2014. That makes 4 [grand]girls!

Looking back — the only video from Marie’s Wedding

OLLI: Writing our lives
The is the 3rd or 4th time round that I have taken part in the "Writing Our Lives" class offer through our local OLLI@Auburn organization (Osher Lifelong Learners Institute at Auburn). I'm just a beginner! The class is filled with people who have been there for many...

Thanksgiving in Birmingham
The clan convened at Marie's house for Thanksgiving this year. The Day included 4 generations (from my mother down to my grandchildren, and a couple of grand-dogs). The day after, while David went hunting with Kevin, we took the girls to the park. The sky was gray,...

Scrapbook updates
I spent some time over the weekend building some new scrapbook pages... and then I found some older ones that I had forgotten about. It fascinates me as I look through the images and see how much they have grown, and how much I have yet to document so that we can...