My Life Articles

Sometimes life is funny, sometimes it’s sad. Sometimes I want to share it and when I do, this is where I post.

A Saturday afternoon

Saturday afternoon: spent with David, Michelle and Lily. Got to try out the Wii, play with the baby girl and try Bison Short Ribs at Ted's Montana Grille. Oh, and see Kevin and Marie when they came by to get the top of the wedding cake to celebrate their first...

She’s a beautiful baby

Lily brought her parents by for dinner last night -- since I saw her last she's learned to laugh a lot more!

No, I really don’t want the Terrorists to win

Your 'Do You Want the Terrorists to Win' Score: 79% You are a terrorist-loving scoundrel who hates our dear leader and the values he defends. There are few redeeming qualities about you. You most likely celebrated when the evil-doers hit us on 9/11, then opposed the...

BragBook pages

The bug really bit me on these little bragbook size scrapbook pages -- The book fits in my purse so I can show off to anyone who will look. So, I'm adding more pages in hope that I'll have enough for creating Christmas gifts. Nicol Family

Recent Travels

Our last journey involved travel from rain-soaked Alabama up to the beach in southern Maine by way of NYC and Rhode Island.... T'was a grand time -with Daniel (18) and Marie (22) travelling with us in the car, and David (24) meeting us in Maine. Two weeks of family -...

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Louise’s Gardens

Just before we started home from Maine, we stayed with JP's aunt Louise. Louise has beautiful gardens - BEAUTIFUL! This is a view of Louise's Front Gardens July, 2003

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Old Orchard Beach – Maine

Old Orchard Beach – Maine

We're about to head home after a couple of weeks in New England and New York. After too many years, we had all 7 Nicol cousins in the same place at the same time From left to right: Daniel (18), Tom (16), Marie (22), David (24),Rob (14), Chris (19) and Mike (17). What...

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Am I becoming a evangelist?

I sometimes find myself wondering if I peering over the edge of becoming a diet evangelist. Heaven forbid! But, just as exploring the wonders of God's love can turn one into a true evangelist, this low-carb eating and the results with respect to how I feel, how my...

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Atkins Continues unabated

OK - so I've been at this for almost a month now... I realize that there are many benefits to this style of eating. I mean, even beyond the 10 lbs gone away in less than a month, or the fact that my jeans are considerably looser, and more comfortable, or even the fact...

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OK - so I've been following this Atkins diet for a week now. I'm down 6.5 lbs - that's about 10% of what I'd like to loose (if you're gonna dream, reach for the stars). Observations: I'm not hungry; I'm not craving any food - I've lived on salad, a few other veggies,...

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On diets and food

On diets and food

My brother was the second person in a couple of weeks to get interested in Atkins - and he wants me to try it. Maybe this can work. You see, I suspect that I am a person for whom sugar should be classified a street drug. The theory is that perhaps I am addicted to...

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