My Life Articles

Sometimes life is funny, sometimes it’s sad. Sometimes I want to share it and when I do, this is where I post.

Youtube? we’ll try it!

The only video from Marie and Kevin's wedding:

It must be time to post something new

I notice that most of my recent posting are pictures - pictures of Lily mostly. Amazingly, I'm really tickled to be a grandmother. Who'd a thunk it? But, there's been so much going on of late, that I don't take the time to write much down. Today a tornado ripped...
Christmas 2007

Christmas 2007

I have to say that this was a most wonderful and delightful Christmas. Everyone (all three of my children plus a...


Undeliverable Gifts: Christmas 2003

Tomorrow's the night before Christmas three dogs in my house two cats are in hiding I hope there's no mouse... That's the easy part of Christmas. My food box/Christmas gifts delivery for Lazarus Ministries hasn't turned out to be as simple as hoped. I've made 2 trips...

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Falsely Accused?

Earlier this week, I had the unforntunate experience of a visit from the local Animal Cruelty Investigator. In the aftermath, I cried - sobbed, harder than I have in since we lost our schnauzer last year. Before that - God alone knows when I've cried my eyes out like...

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How’s that diet going, anyway?

So - does anybody read this stuff anyway? I'm still sticking pretty close to the Atkins eating and I'm down 30 lbs since I started. I still feel really much better than I did before I started on this way of life and I've noticed that I no longer seem to have the...

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I was allowing myself to wallow a bit - my oldest son, now 24 and in grad school broke his nose in water polo practice Thursday night. No health insurance - and I was a bit worried. And, I had a couple of bad stress days this week. But - I am so blessed! I am not...

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Still trying the Atkins Way

OK - I'm not really evangelizing about Atkins, but, so far I've dropped about 25 lbs.... I'm down to the smallest clothes in the closet. Granted, I used to have smaller ones before the house burned and I got to start all over on my wardrobe. There have been a few...

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Braves 10, DiamondBacks 6

Braves 10, DiamondBacks 6

My second major league baseball game! Both have been trips to see the Braves in Atlanta - a beautiful ballpark. We were running late due to the service at Famous Dave's Barbeque being a bit slower than we would have liked - and the parking lot on I-75/85 getting down...

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Hope for the Church?

Today John Freund sent me a link that was a bright spot: Reading thru the site - especially the "Your Pulpit" section gave me a strong sense that the Holy Spirit is indeed renewing the face of the earth. I was very moved by the woman's homily based...

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